Given the increased interest in the topic and the genuine health concerns of residents on either side of the issue, council last week approved this Mayoral Minute
That Council has no plans to remove fluoride from the Noosa Shire water supply due to:
• the logistical complexity of isolating Noosa water from the SEQ Water Grid
• the cost to Noosa Ratepayers
• the potential weakening of Noosa’s water security in times of drought and
• the weight of advice from credible health authorities.

Council has researched the risks and costs of removing fluoride from the shire water supply and has no plans to do so due to:
• The logistical complexity of removing Noosa’s water supply from the interconnected South East Queensland (SEQ) Water Grid;
• The significant and ongoing financial burden for ratepayers, estimated at over $20million by 2013 figures, for the de-fluoridation of existing supplies and of water received via the Northern Interconnector Pipeline, plus the possible need to fluoridate water being sent south from Noosa to other areas of the Grid;
• The reputable medical, dental and scientific evidence and advice provided by credible federal and state authorities in support of water fluoridation and its public health outcomes; and
• Potentially disadvantaging the shire’s water security in times of drought.
Under the Water Fluoridation Act 2008 (the Act), Council can decide whether Noosa’s drinking water is fluoridated or not. This decision must take into consideration the best interests of the community and must not affect another local government’s water security or supply without agreement from other local government’s that would be affected by the change, in this case, Moreton Bay City and Sunshine Coast Councils.
Noosa’s water supply is connected to the broader SEQ Water Grid that is operated by Seqwater. This arrangement allows Seqwater to move treated drinking water around the region and plays a critical role in ensuring water security and supply continuity for the community.
Isolating Noosa from the SEQ interconnected water grid to remove fluoride would likely result in the delivery of poor water security for the community.
While the interconnected nature of the SEQ water grid ensures water security and supply to the community, it would make the implementation of a decision to cease fluoridation of Noosa’s water supply an extremely complex process.
Noosa’s water supply is also fluoridated prior to arrival in Noosa through the Northern Pipeline Interconnector (NPI).
Cessation of fluoride would require alterations to the existing connections with Seqwater and the Unitywater distribution system to cease dosing at Noosa, removing fluoride flowing north to Noosa and fluoridating water heading the south and adding connection points.
In accordance with the Act, Council would be required to bear the costs associated with a decision to withdraw fluoride from drinking water.
Unitywater and Seqwater would be entitled to recover additional and ongoing financial costs from Council that are incurred because of a decision to cease fluoridation.
Fluoridation of the SEQ water supply is a Queensland Government public health measure and is regulated in accordance with the Act and the Water Fluoridation Regulation 2020.
Water fluoridation is supported by Queensland Health and has been endorsed as a safe and effective public health measure by more than 150 science and health organisations, including the NHMRC, the Australian Dental Association, the Australian Medical Association, and the World Health Organisation. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) report advises that:
• In children, fluoridation reduces tooth decay by 26% to 44%, while in adults tooth decay is decreased by 27%;
• There is reliable evidence that community water fluoridation at current Australian levels is not associated with cancer, Down syndrome, cognitive dysfunction, lowered intelligence or hip fracture or other human health conditions; and
Existing bodies of evidence consistently shows that water fluoridation reduces tooth decay.
Consistent with information circulated to Councillors in the response to petitioners and background report in October 2024, Noosa Council has no plans to remove fluoride from the water supply.

– Frank Wilkie, Noosa Mayor