Service-focused: Demands on Council’s customer service is constantly increasing. Response times are improving, but it’s acknowledged more detail about the progress of customer requests are needed. Front line and operational staff do a great job and I would like to support their work through upgrades to the technology platform underpinning the customer request systems.
Financial sustainability: Protecting your lifestyle involves delivering value-for-money quality services, facilities, parks, roads, footpaths and gardens, keeping rates rises as low as possible and preserving the qualities that make Noosa one of the most liveable communities in Australia.
Cost of living challenges are constant. Responsible financial management, maximising external funding opportunities and alternative revenue streams are key to easing the burden for everyone and maintaining council’s good financial rating with the Queensland Treasury.
A strong record of financially sustainable/responsible management and a commitment to continuous improvement has allowed Noosa Council to continue to deliver quality services, maintain public assets and run public facilities.
Financial sustainability has helped see the community through the shocks brought by floods, fires and unprecedented post-pandemic material and labour cost increases.
Council’s finances are reported monthly and the budget (including YTD profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow, capital works program progress, financial/asset replacement ratios) is reviewed and updated regularly. They are all available on council’s website, along with annual budgets and Annual Reports.